World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations

Macau 2013 Declaration for Tourist Guides Around the World

1. WFTGA declares that its member tourist guides act as ambassadors of their
countries and regions and as custodians of their area’s traditions, history, culture
and environment.

2. WFTGA supports the definition of tourist guiding as an area-specific qualification,
usually issued and /or recognised by the appropriate authority. WFTGA believes
that any person without a qualification is not competent to interpret and explain
the cultural and natural heritage and specialities of that area.

3. WFTGA declares it is not ethical or appropriate for anyone to work as a tourist
guide without having the above qualifications.

4. WFTGA declares that tourist guides are essential to the tourism industry and
should be acknowledged as professionals by tour operators, tourism
stakeholders and local and /or national authorities and be fairly compensated.

5. WFTGA and its member tourist guides stand by our declaration that

“We are the Professionals,’’

who work in the best professional manner to achieve high standards of service
and contribute to society .


28.12.2011 Pro členy

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